31 March 2014

Spring-Cleaning and Cleansing

My term break recently ended and now I'm back in my flat. Unfortunately I have to admit opposed to my Uni-work and my Job, my flat is often very untidy.. this morning it probably deserved even the adjective messy. The past couple of days I kept myself busy with other things than starting to tidy up and clean the apartment. But today I somehow managed to get myself motivated and get this massive chore done. I've managed to do the tidying up but the cleaning will follow tomorrow I suppose. 
I started to tidy up the last remains of the stuff I brought with me with the suitcase and finally after a week the suitcase is stored properly again and my clothes are more or less nicely piled in my wardrobe. So 'yaaay me' for having achieved to see my floor again and not having to step over my suitcase and backpacks and other random things lying around anymore. I literally had made a path to go from my bedroom to the bathroom which I used the past couple of days.
I am very proud to say that I managed not only to make my living room an actual room again but also to rid myself of loads of other handed-down things I was given over the past years and stuff that just piles up over time. It is unbelievable how tidying up and disposing of unneeded stacked stuff can be this liberating. Reorganising shelves and items into the places and order that you believe is best for your current situation and needs is really needed after some time. I've been living here for over 2 years now and I never had the ambition to change the order of my shelves after I organised everything for the first time after moving in. But by doing so now, I realised how much has changed during those past two years and how much I as a person have grown. 
Moreover, I am certain that after cleaning the flat properly and having everything in order again I will feel even more liberated and I will be able to sort out my insides as well. A clean and tidy environment helps me to put my mind and my decisions in order or at least inspires me to work on that. It's an outside and inside cleans. 

If anyone of you is thinking about tidying up, getting rid of old stuff and reorganised: I know its hard to get started.. but once you're in the zone and really working on completing this chore (hopefully with some awesome up-beat and fun music to keep up the good spirit and motivation :) ) it will feel good. And the feeling after finishing is simply awesome and make it totally worth your hard work.

I really hope you're having a nice spring start!

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