13 January 2015

The Anxiety of Being Nearly Finished

I'm nearly done. I'm currently in my last weeks as a BA-Student of Musicmanagement. In fact, I should be writing my final paper right now. It is crazy how these past 3.5 years of my life just flew by and I am very nostalgic on the one hand- and very anxious on the other- since I decided to give myself at least a year until I will continue my academic path and start my masters degree. The decision behind that was that searching for my mandatory internship, I realised that actually there are two options: taking a position any high-school graduate could do or not being qualified enough to start a proper internship in my favoured companies. Basically, I was overqualified for some and too young and way to unqualified for others. That situation sucked. I can tell you that. But now I am at the point where I basically am inches away from my degree and there are no jobs out there for a person like me. I would have to start with an internship again (and another problem there: loads of companies only take on students because of insurance reasons etc.). Anyway, I feel like my market value should have increased now and me not having to start with an internship again. But apparently not. Anyway, for me a masters degree was always part of my life plan. I can't exactly  explain why.. possibly because I am an ambitious person, but I had this picture in my mind, and built my overall life plan around this fact. Even though it is not really necessary to have a masters degree in the music industry because it is actually all about your network and who you know.
So now I'm 21, pretty happy with my student life (finally) and now it's basically all over already- HOW DID THIS HAPPEN???? It's been already 2 years since I cane back from my term abroad in Australia and now I am crossing the finish-line of my first Uni-degree? NO WAY! Crazy. Simply unbelievable.
What comes next during the next couple of months I do not really know. This is very unusual for me since I am that kind of person that makes plans for everything, applies early and thinks ahead. Since Uni and my thesis take up all of my time right now, I put up with the "what comes nest?" question for far too long already, since I decided in autumn that I would figure that out once I finished my degree. Sometimes you have plans...and sometimes the plans find you. I'll see how this concept works out for me.
Fingers crossed for the next couple of months.
Cheers for now,

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