29 April 2014

Seeing the World through a Camera Lense

During an internship at a Design Studio in Berlin I just completed a couple of days ago, one of my main tasks (additionally to some boring website administration stuff and other typical office jobs) was content creation. Essentially it was my job to go out and take pictures for this new project of the studio. So basically I took pictures of everything that had and interesting shape (since that is the basis for the work of the rest of the team). I literally took pictures from everything that came to mind so for example friends of mine listening to music or doing yoga poses, fruit like an apple or banana I had at home, construction fences, bikes various kitchen tools..etc etc. I think you get the idea^^

Anyway, running around Berlin with my camera in hand I had this one goal: to take as many pictures as possible. After some days my view of objects had completely changed: I kind of started to view the world in silhouettes and so I came to acknowledge certain objects or details I've never even noticed (in parks the streets, my flat,..) before.
Pretty crazy how such a simple task, that just asks of you to capture certain things can alter your view of the world completely in such a short time. Try it for yourself: alter your view (focus on a certain colour, certain objects, shapes,... whatever you can think of) and be amazed of what you might discover in your daily surroundings :)

Cheers for now,

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